Easton School District supports a parent/guardians right to choose where their student will attend school.
In order to process a request to transfer into or out of the Easton School District, parents/guardians will need to fill out a Choice Transfer Request on OSPI’s portal. It is important to note that this process must be completed each year that a student attends school in a non-resident district. Please click the link below & follow the directions provided.
Once a Choice Transfer Request has been completed and submitted the proper districts will be notified. Each district has its own timeline to accept or deny Choice Transfers. Easton School District will accept transfers at the end of August or beginning of September, prior to the beginning of the school year.
In order to be considered for a Choice Transfer into the Easton School District each student and parent/guardian must complete a Choice Transfer meeting with the Easton School Administration. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Rachel Cummings at 509.656.2317.